Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Top 5 Tuesdays - Top 5 Signs Spring is Coming

Top 5 Tuesdays is hosted by the lovely Kate at: http://suddenlykateshow.blogspot.com/

I missed putting out a Top 5 Tuesdays last week so I thought I'd tackle the topic this week. Spring is my favorite season. Here are some of my markers each year for Spring. 

1. Rain - I love the rain. If I could stay home and watch it all day while I stitch and binge-watch something or listen to an audiobook, I'd be euphoric! 

2. Tornado training - Yep, one sure sign Spring is coming. Living in Missouri I'm exposed to several threats/events each year. 

3. Baseball! - Love my Royals! When the boys in blue are back on the field, it's Spring!!

4. Easter - My favorite hymn of the whole year is Low in the Grave. I look forward to singing it each year. Even if it isn't in the bulletin, I'm singing it at some point during the day. This year I was having dreams of singing my favorite Easter hymns before I ever woke. 

5. Flowers - They're all starting to green up and peek out. We mow one day and the next the dandelions have taken over the whole yard. The iris are pushing up leaves. The lilac bush is blooming. Now to go out and get rid of that dratted wild honeysuckle. 

So, those are my Top 5 Signs Spring is Coming! By the way, it's raining as I type!!
Laura :)

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