Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 22, 2017 ~ Starting and Finishing

I've had a good weekend. I challenged my RMC/BAP SAL Weekend group on Facebook to work on something they LOVE this weekend. I suggested it could be something that they're close to finishing or something they've been wanting to start. I just wanted it to be a weekend of happy stitching. I've had one myself. 

I have had A Friendship Sampler from Carriage House Samplings in my stash for a long time. I really enjoy designs with certain elements. One of those is hearts. This design immediately got my brain kicked into high gear. I decided I would buy a large piece of neutral fabric I like and then add my stitching friends' names. Then I thought it would be fun to get them to choose the floss I would use. I only need 2 colors, each one length or about 12" - 15". I've collected some choices but just hadn't started yet. So, I thought this was the perfect choice for what I'd challenged the group to do. I've started in the upper right hand corner with Judy Starkey's choices and then added Lisa Milzarek's choice below that. Lisa sent one color and I think the little wonky heart worked well with the beautiful blue she chose. It was a fun start and I'm looking forward to adding many more. If you haven't sent me floss, contact me privately so you can be part of my sampler as well! If you message me, I might even have your favorite floss colors and you'd just need to let me know what the colors are. 

A Friendship Sampler 
Carriage House Samplings
40 ct Alabaster linen
flosses by friends' choices

Then, I decided I needed a finish. It's already late in January, which is typically a good month for me to finish up a few projects. I haven't had any finishes so far this year. I'm enjoying my blogging project, but I have been choosing mostly larger projects that won't be finished for some time. 

I went back and looked through my blog entries and decided I could finish one of them. It's A True Friend from R & R Reproductions. I knew it wouldn't take long and I did work on it a little bit after posting about it but then had set it aside. I didn't want it to fall by the wayside again so I pulled it out and stitched it today during the Green Bay Packers vs. Atlanta Falcons playoff game. It was a good way to motivate myself through the finish. I decided to leave the verse off. I have the pretty green frame that is pictured on the pattern. I got this at a stitch retreat weekend and it came with the frame. Now I just need to get it framed and I can display it. 

A True Friend.....R & R Reproductions48 x 6432 ct American Chestnut linenDMC FlossStitching finished 1/22/2017


So, now I'm off to work on another project for the evening. Hopefully there'll be more significant progress on another of my projects very soon!

Hugs and Stitches, 

Laura :) 


  1. Woohoo! Nice finish! I knew you could do it. If you need another name, let me know. ;)

  2. Thanks Tiff! I'm happy to have #1 for the year. I'd love to add you to my sampler. My fabric is huge so that I can add as many names as I want.
